EasyRoller Lawn Striper


Tips for striping your lawn-
To get that ballpark look with little effort. Striping your yard is the result of bending the blades of grass. When the blades of grass are bent away from you, you see the sunlight reflecting off the grass, so the grass appears lighter. When the grass is bent towards you, you are seeing the shadow of the bent grass, so it appears a darker shade of green.
For best results:
Add weight (sand or BB’s) to the core of the roller
Stripe on cloudy or overcast days to begin with. Sunny days it’s harder to see your lines.
Stripe in the morning when the dew is still on your grass.
When following an existing stripe, you should be walking on the lighter shade of green.
Stripes do not show up or last as long on shorter cut grass.

Cold season grass (Bluegrass or Fescues) those which flourish in early spring and early fall at temps ranging from 65-80 degrees, are the best candidates for striping. Their longer, more flexible blades bend easily under the pressure of your Easy Roller
Warm season grass (Bermuda, St Augustine) on the other hand, have shorter, more rigid blades that don’t rapidly bend. Even if you manage to stipe grasses in regions with midsummer temps ranging between 75-90 degrees, those blades are more likely to spring back, so don’t expect them to hold their stripe.

This is a walk behind manual striper,  DOES NOT attach to a mower.


